So, I'm 7 weeks out before departing on this extraordinary adventure that I have been so blessed to be able to embark on. I woke up this morning with a rush, or an excitement for what I am going to encounter along my journey in Norway. This is the time when I must pack away the things I'm going to leave behind, and gather the belongings I will be taking with me. There is so much to do in such a short amount of time, but I will do anything and everything that needs to be done.
Though I have not received my departure date, the butterflies in my stomach are apparent. I am excited, scared, nervous and most of all just curious about the things I am going to encounter.
I have been working at my grandparents house for the last couple of weeks earning money for my trip, and also I am so glad I'm getting the chance to spend as much time possible with my Grandpa Fred before I leave. I love him so much and I'm going to miss him more than anything I can describe. My farewells to all my friends and family will be hard, and I know I will miss them all so much, but I know this trip will open up so many doors and broaden my perspective not only of the U.S. but how I look at the world. I know this is the first of many countries that I will immerse myself in. I’m looking forward to exploring a new culture and gaining a greater appreciation for my own.